Visiting Israel? Enhance your experience with a site visit to one or more of JOIN Israel’s life- altering projects. Students, synagogue groups, church groups and others are welcome!
Meet the professionals at Pitronot (Solutions) who are extricating families from financial and legal quagmires. Visit the children at a school that received a new library, science lab or computer room. See first-hand the impact that your contribution makes. We’re happy to show you around!
Interested in volunteering? Make your visit meaningful for you and your children by actively contributing to Israel! Visit a school and help English students practice their verbal skills by participating in a two-way interview.
To schedule a visit or to volunteer, contact Alex Schieber, Director of Development at
Bryan and Marjorie Weingarten visiting JOIN Lifeline

Rick Smilow visiting
Bolster Education

Yehudis Gottesfield
visiting Pitronot

Ned Weiser
visiting Pitronot

Rick Smilow visiting The
Jerusalem Soup Kitchen