Our Own Way (OOW) identifies at-risk youth, elderly, single mothers, new immigrants, and impoverished living in subsidized housing, enlists lay-leaders, and introduces support groups. Group participants are encouraged to formulate ideas to improve their communities, and OOW acts as a forum in which pressing issues and concerns of these groups are brought to the fore, working together with the Municipality to address them. OOW recruits volunteers that represent their communities and serve in leadership roles, such as “building activists,” who receive first aid and leadership training to support their neighbors when Sderot is under bombing attack.

Donate to Our Own Way today!


“I am happy to disclose that underneath these tough kids, that at first just told me to leave, lies youth with hearts of gold! They are just looking for me to give them direction, and meet them … I just needed to show up over and over and not be put off by their sharp barbs … mostly tons of patience.”

Tomer L. (At-Risk Youth Counselor)
