Posts Tagged ‘join israel’

Bee Inspired: Honey Fundraiser

This Rosh Hashanah 5781, JOIN Israel supporters sent packages of honey from Israel, with a personalized message to loved ones in fourteen states. The honey was Made in Israel, 100% Natural and Kosher. The premium option included a Mini Honey Cake from Reisman’s Bros. Bakery in Brooklyn, NY All donations benefited  JOIN Lifeline, which provides aid to poverty-ridden elderly in Israel.  Sponsored…

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Israeli Wine Tasting with Carmel Winery

On the evening of Sunday, August 9th, JOIN Israel supporters virtually joined together for an ‘Israeli Wine Tasting with Carmel Winery’. Over 100 supporters attended from 9 states in the US as well as from England, Canada and Israel. Attendees had the option to purchase a bottle of red and white wine in advance of the tasting.  All proceeds of the…

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